Creating an economically inclusive economy

We support SMMEs, Consumers of Financial products, Youth, Corporate and Government


Consumer Financial Education (CFE)

Empowering people to make informed financial decisions.


SMME & Cooperatives Support

We support SMMEs to access funding and markets


Youth Acceleration Programmes

Placing youth in areas opportune for growth


Research and Development

Providing a think tank to better our interventions

One of our country’s biggest challenge is effective information dissemination (especially in rural areas and townships), leading to SA being the most unequal society in the world.

At NFLA we assess, unpack and dissect every detail that has an impact on financial well being of both businesses and individuals

What we

have done

+ 99893
Consumer Financial Education benefeciaries
+ 189
Consumer Financial Education benefeciaries
+ 489
Job Placements for SA Youth

Programmes & Activities

NFLA makes use of various platforms and tools to reach our target audience

Training & Education

Road Shows

Research on financial literacy & challenges affecting SMMEs

Entrepreneurship & financial literacy dialogues

Business Seminars & Workshops

SMME Mentoring & Coaching

What our Clients Say

In our quest to achieve our vision we have served thousands of people and made an impact a lot more lives.

Being part of your beneficiaries has given me many pleasant memories to cherish as I move into a new season of my life.

Boy-boy Dlamini
